Hi Everyone, this is the first post to my new Blog. I have decided that there are so many simple pleasures in life that it is time to start documenting the ones that have shaped me and make me who I really am. Yesterday was one of those very special ordinary days. I spent the morning with my daughter, having tea at her home in her garden, and then, taking a road trip together to the local Farmer's Market. We of course bought between us, more food than we could eat in a week. But just the mere sight of all those carrots and lettuce and onions and string beans fresh from some local farm is enough to send both of us into a buying frenzie. It is almost like we are feeling these might be the very last "real" veggies we will ever get our hands on. So home we come, with bags and bags of the best and freshest food we have had in a long time. On goes the kettle for tea and we both stand side by side at the double kitchen sink washing and rinsing and spinning them dry in the spinner. All the time we are doing this I am thinking this is one of those ordinary things that people do every day, but for me these Mother /Daughter times are the very happiest of times. My daughter Tammy and I have been doing this thing together for more than twenty five years, ever since she could stand on a little stool built by her grandfather for just such a purpose. I learned a lot of things about my girl over the years just from standing at the sink and performing this ritual together. Finally, we had saved the best for last, it was time for the strawberries!! Ah those lovely sweet smelling, sweet tasting little signs of summer. Watching them float in the sink brought back a flood of memories of Tammy and her cousin crouching in the strawberry fields at the pick your own when they were toddlers, one for the bucket and one for the mouth and then taking the fresh picked strawberries home and floating them in the bathtub to wash them. And I thought to myself the more that things change the more they stay the same. I hope I will have at least another twenty five years of standing at the kitchen sink with my beautiful daughter washing the veggies, hitting pause and rewinding all of my ordinary days. Pom:}
This is beautiful Pam and it brought tears to my eyes as both a mother and a child. It's those everyday simple pleasures,that so many of us take for granted, that matter the most.
Awesome story Pom :o) made me smile big time. Maybe one day soon, hint hint Tammy....you'll be 3 standing at that sink or bathtub sharing some more good stories making more good memories :o) aahhhh nice thought. (((hugs))) Wish i could have had a bowl of those with cream and sugar....Mmmmm... Was it not you that used to make that fantabulous strawberry jam?? Hmmm...that makes great gifts you know...i think im hinting again LMAO! Thanks for sharing :o) Love ya! xxx
Awsome story Pom :o) made me smile big time. Maybe one day soon, hint hint Tammy....you'll be 3 standing at that sink or bathtub sharing some more good stories making more good memories :o) aahhhh nice thought. (((hugs))) wish i could have had a bowl of those with cream and sugar....Mmmmm... Was it not you that used to make that fantabulous strawberry jam?? Hmmm...that makes great gifts you know...i think im hinting again LMAO! Thanks for sharing :o) Love ya! xxx
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